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R code
How this book works
Statistics and R - Setting the scene
R - What is it?  Two ways to use it
Downloading and installing the R software - free!
5 Starting R              
R Commander the graphical front end to R
7 Packages: the apps        
8 A quick tutorial: Analysing data shipped with R  
A quick  introduction to the R language
Basic Statistical techniques  
11 Summary statistics         
12 Graphing Distributions of single variables: histograms and density plots
13 Densityplots for subgroups defined by factor levels
14 Boxplots             
Percentages for each category/factor level
Samples and Populations  
17 Comparing a sample mean to a population mean - Single sample t test 
18 Comparing pre-post test means - Paired samples t test
19 Comparing 2 sample means - independent samples t test           
20 Comparing pre-post test median difference - Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Statistic  
21 Comparing 2 distributions - Mann Whitney U     
22 Comparing an observed proportion to a population value - The Binomial test     
23 Several independent proportions compared with the average: two way tables 
24 Comparing several independent categories: Contingency tables               
Measuring the degree to which two variables co-vary: Correlation
26 Measuring the influence of one variable on another: Regression              

Health Statistics               

Risk and Odds ratios
29 Number needed to treat/harm
Sensitivity, Specificity and predictive values
31 Levels of agreement - Kappa, Krippendorff and the ICC
Bland - Altman plots
Meta-analysis: the basics
34 Plotting survival over time: KM (Kaplan-Meier) plots      
35 Investigating effects upon survival over time: Cox PH regression              
36 Graphical summaries of data     
37 Paired nominal data: comparing proportions using McNemar's test         

Managing your data and R          

Creating datasets and distributions in R Commander and R
Importing your data into R
Cutting and Pasting from Excel/Word to the R Data editor  
42 Saving and exporting your work and data
43 R Script files (.r)
44 Manipulating variables (columns) in R Commander and R             
45 Manipulating cases (rows) in R Commander and R      
46 Expanding tables of counts into flat files               
47 Installing non-CRANS packages 
48 Workspaces, objects and history files  
49 Developing R Code – Rstudio and NppToR           

More ways of analysing your data

Mosaic and extended association plots
52 Multiway tables and Crosstabs 
53 Re-sampling – Permutations, Jackknifes and Bootstrap’s              
54 (part 1) Repeated measures: Mixed models and Gee    
54 (part 2) Repeated measures: Mixed models and Gee    
Sample size requirements      
56 Confidence intervals for effect sizes - Noncentral distributions
57 Publication quality graphics        

More Regression Techniques

Multiple Linear Regression: Measuring the influence of several variables on one continuous variable
60 Logistic regression: a binary outcome  
61 Poisson (Log linear) Regression
62 Conditional Logistic Regression 
Factorial ANOVA
64 Factor Analysis 
65 Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)      
66 Summary