Robin Beaumont - Anglican Chants listed by week

Psalms in numeric order |    List of Psalms for each week/year      |       Canticles

This page lists the correct psalm for each week of the liturgical year. Go back to the 'Psalms in numeric order' page to get a copy of the psalm written out in full.

[] = optional/ additional psalms and/or verses

If you notice any errors or wish to suggest alternative chants please contact me at robin 'at' organplayers 'dot' co 'dot' uk .


Hoping they are of some use. Robin Beaumont (UK)


Title Year A Psalm [Year A] Year B Psalm [Year B] Year C Psalm [Year C]
Christmas 01/01/2017 132 31/12/2017 132 03/01/2016 132
Christmas 2 [not observed] 135 [not observed] 135 03/01/2016
Baptism Epiphany 1 08/01/2017 46, 47 07/01/2018 46, 47 10/01/2016
46, 47
Epiphany 2 15/01/2017 96 14/01/2018 96 17/01/2016 96
Epiphany 3 22/01/2017 33 21/01/2018 33 24/01/2016 33
Presentation/ Epiphany 4 29/01/2017 34 28/01/2018 34 31/01/2016 34
Candlemas 02/02/2017
122 and 132 02/02/2018
122 and 132 02/02/2016
122 and 132
Proper 1 05/02/2017 [1, 3] 4 [not observed] 5 [not observed] [1] 2
Proper 2 12/02/2017 [7] 13 [not observed] 6 [not observed] [5] 6
Proper 3 18 v.1-19 or v.20-29 [not observed] 10 [not observed] [11] 13
Second Sunday before Lent
19/02/2017 148 04/02/2018 65 [not observed] 147
Sunday next before Lent
26/02/2017 84 11/02/2018 2 [99] 07/02/2016 89 v.1-18
Ash Wednesday 01/03/2017 102 14/02/2018 102 10/02/2016 102
lent 1 05/03/2017 50 v.1-15 18/02/2018 119 v.17-32 14/02/2016 119 v.73-88
Lent 2 12/03/2017 135 25/02/2018 135 21/02/2016 135
Lent 3 19/03/2017 40 04/03/2018 11, 12 28/02/2016 12, 13
Mothering Sunday or lent 4 26/03/2017 31 v.1-16 [if lent 4] 11/03/2018 13, 14 [if lent 4] 06/03/2016
30 [if lent 4]
lent 5 02/04/2017 30 18/03/2018 34 13/03/2016 35
Palm Sunday
Stations of the cross service after evensong
09/04/2017 80 25/03/2018 69 v.1-18 20/03/2016 69 v.1-18
Monday holy week
7.30pm Sung Eucharist (Kyrie no Gloria)
- Music before/after
10/04/2017 36 v.5-11 [principal service]
41 [second service]
25 [third service=EP]
26/03/2018 36 v.5-11 [principal service]
41 [second service]
25 [third service=EP]
36 v.5-11 [principal service]
41 [second service]
25 [third service=EP]
Tuesday holy week
7.30pm Sung Eucharist (Kyrie, no Gloria)
- Music before/after
11/04/2017 71 v.1-14 [principal service]
27 [second service]
55 v.12-22 [third service=EP]
27/03/2018 71 v.1-14 [principal service]
27 [second service]
55 v.12-22 [third service=EP]
22/03/2016 71 v.1-14 [principal service]
27 [second service]
55 v.12-22 [third service=EP]
Lectionary verses=13-24?
Wednesday holy week
7.30pm Sung Eucharist (Kyrie, no Gloria)
- Music before/after
12/04/2017 70 [principal service]
102 [second service]
88 [third service=EP]
28/03/2018 70 [principal service]
102 [second service]
88 [third service=EP]
23/03/2016 70 [principal service]
102 [second service]
88 [third service=EP]
Maundy Thursday
Washing of feet 7.30pm Parish Eucharist (no Kyrie, Gloria sung)
– No Music after
Stainer crucifixion pages 1-5
13/04/2017 116 v.1-2; 12-19 [principal service]
39 [second service=EP]
42, 43 [third service]
29/03/2018 116 v.1-2; 12-19 [principal service]
39 [second service=EP]
42, 43 [third service]
24/03/2016 116 v.1-2; 12-19 [principal service]
39 [second service=EP]
42, 43 [third service]
Good Friday two parts:
1: 9.30am The Liturgy of the Cross No last hymn or music after service Psalm 22 No Music after
2: Part two: 2.00pm The Last Hour of the Cross – No Music after?
14/04/2017 22 [principal service]
130, 143  [second service=EP]
69 [third service]
30/03/2018 22 [principal service]
130, 143  [second service=EP]
69 [third service]
25/03/2016 22 [principal service]
130, 143  [second service=EP]
69 [third service]
Saturday service 15/04//2017 31 v1-4, 15-16 [principal service]
142 [third service=MP]
116  [second service=EP]
31/03/2018 31 v1-4, 15-16 [principal service]
142 [third service=MP]
116  [second service=EP]
26/03/2016 31 v1-4, 15-16 [principal service]
142 [third service=MP]
116  [second service=EP]
Holy Saturday 8.00pm Easter Vigil
– No Music before cheerful after.
15/04//2017 136 v.1-9, 23-26
46; 16; 19; 42 ,43; 143; 98; 114
31/03/2018 136 v.1-9, 23-26
46; 16; 19; 42 ,43; 143; 98; 114
26/03/2016 136 v.1-9, 23-26
46; 16; 19; 42 ,43; 143; 98; 114
Easter 16/04//2017 105 or 66 v.1-12 01/04/2018 105 or 66 v.1-12 27/03/2016 105 or 66 v.1-12
Easter 2 23/04/2017 ? 08/04/2018 ? 03/04/2016 85
Easter 3 30/04/2017 48 15/04/2018 142 10/04/2016 86
Easter 4 07/05/2017 29 v.1-10 22/04/2018 81 v.8-16 17/04/2016 113, 114
Easter 5 14/05/2017 147 v.1-11 29/04/2018 96 24/04/2016 98
Easter 6 21/05/2017 87, and 36 v.5-10 06/05/2018 45 01/05/2016 126, 127
Ascension day 25/05/2017
47 or 93  [principal service]
8  [second service=EP]
110; 150 [third service=MP]
47 or 93  [principal service]
8  [second service=EP]
110; 150 [third service=MP]
47 or 93  [principal service]
8  [second service=EP]
110; 150 [third service=MP]
Easter 7 28/05/2017 47 13/05/2018 147 v.1-11 08/05/2016 68
Pentecost (Whit Sunday) 04/06/2017 Evening prior to it 48
20/05/2018 Evening prior to it 48
15/05/2016 Evening prior to it 48
33 v.1-12
Trinity 11/06/2017 93, 150 27/05/2018 104 v.1-9 22/05/2016 73 v.1-3, 6-end
Proper 4 33 03/06/2018 35 29/05/2016 39
Proper 5 [39] 41 10/06/2018 37 v.1-11 [12-14] 05/06/2016 44
Proper 6 18/06/2017 [42] 43 17/06/2018 39 12/06/2016 52 [53]
Proper 7 25/06/2017 46 [48] 24/06/2018 49 19/06/2016 [50] 57
Proper 8 02/07/2017 50 01/07/2018 [52] 53 26/06/2016 [59 v.1-6, 18-end];  60
Proper 9 09/07/2017 56 [57] 08/07/2018 [63] 64 03/07/2016 65 [70]
139 (if festival celebrated on sunday)
Proper 10 16/07/2017 60 [63] 15/07/2018 66 10/07/2016 77
Proper 11 23/07/2017 67 [70] 22/07/2018 73 17/07/2016 81
Proper 12 30/07/2017 75 [76] 29/07/2018 74 24/07/2016 88
or Psalm 144 for st. James the Apostle
Proper 13 06/08/2017 80 05/08/2018 88 31/07/2016 107 v.1-32
Proper 14 13/08/2017 86 12/08/2018 91 07/08/2016 108 [116]
Proper 15 20/08/2017 90 19/08/2018 [92] 100 14/08/2016 119 v.17-32 or for 1st EP of the Blessed virgin Mary Psalm 72
Proper 16 27/08/2017 95 26/08/2018 116 21/08/2016 119 v.49-72
St. Bartholomew 24/08/2016 Wednesday Principle service: Psalm 145:1-7
Evening Psalms: 91,116
Proper 17 03/09/2017 105  v. 1-15 02/09/2018 119 v. 1-16 28/08/2016 119 v. 81-96
Proper 18 10/09/2017 108 [115] 09/09/2018 119 v. 41-56 04/09/2016 Possible Harvest festival [120] 121 or
If harvest festival:
Principal service Psalm , 126
Proper 19 17/09/2017 119 v. 41-48 [49-64] 16/09/2018 119 v. 73-88 11/09/2016 Possible Harvest festival 124, 125 or harvest Psalm
Proper 20 24/09/2017 119 v. 113-136 23/09/2018 119 v. 137-152 18/09/2016 Possible Harvest festival [128] 129 or harvest Psalm
Proper 21 01/10/2017 [120, 123] 124 30/09/2018 120, 121 25/09/2016 Possible Harvest festival 134, 135 or harvest Psalm
Proper 22
08/10/2017 136 07/10/2018 125, 126 02/10/2016 Possible Harvest festival
Possible church dedication service
If church dedication:
EP Psalm 132
or harvest Psalm
Proper 23 15/10/2017 139 v. 1-18 14/10/2018 127 [128] 09/10/2016 144
Proper 24 22/10/2017 142  [143 v.1-11] 21/10/2018 141 16/10/2016 [146] 149
Proper 25 29/10/2017 119 v. 89-104 28/10/2018 119 v. 121-136 23/10/2016 Last after trinity or Bible Sunday or church dedication service 119 v.1-16
If church dedication:
EP Psalm 132
4 before Advent
(Proper 26)
05/11/2017 111, 117 04/11/2018 145 30/10/2016 148 + 150 or Psalm 145 (if all souls Tuesday observed)
all saint’s day 01/11/2017
Principal service:
Psalm 34 v.1-10
2nd service: EP psalms 148+150
Principal service:
Psalm 24 v.1-6
2nd service: EP psalms 148+150
01/11/2016 Tuesday Principal service: Psalm 149
2nd service: EP psalms 148+150
3 before Advent
(Proper 27)
12/11/2017 [20] 82 11/11/2018 46 [82] 06/11/2016 40
2 before advent
(Proper 28)
19/11/2017 89 v.19-37 18/11/2018 95 13/11/2016 Remembrance Sunday [93] 97
Sunday next before advent:
Christ the King (Proper 29)
26/11/2017 93 [97] 18/11/2018 72 20/11/2016 72
Advent 1 27/11/2016 9 03/12/2017 25 To year A 9
Advent 2 04/12/2016 11 [28] 10/12/2017 40 75 [76]
Advent 3 11/12/2016 12 [14] 17/12/2017 68 v.1-20 50 v.1-6 [62]
Advent 4 18/12/2016 113 [126] 24/12/2017 113 [131] 123 [131]
Christmas day 25/12/2016 96 (+8 +110) 25/12/2017 97  (+8 +110) 98  (+8 +110)